Thursday, September 22, 2011


I was living dead, I was alone.
Empty was my life, heavy was my soul.
To my surprise, someday a present awaited at my doors.
I was delighted to see it.
It read, "to love with life”.

As the gift was unwrapped slowly,
I started losing spell 
And bound was my mouth.
An acute turnaround happened,
I realized that I found my life.

I started feeling delight in days,
I started feeling coolness of nights.
I shook off my dullness and shrugged off my lethargy,
Enthusiasm pumped in my heart,
I became mercurial.

The gift was ineffable,
The feeling I had was empyreal.
Exuberance of the experience I had,
Was inexpressible.
The lackluster in me was negated,
It polished me and I became lustrous as silver.

Beauty of life did I realize,
Mercurial did become my personality.
I shone like silver all over
My gift made a man out of me.
I need to submit myself,
As amalgam of enthusiasm and delight,
To what made me, “with love to life”.