Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Before I get lost

I like walkin streets of Mysore, but I wont get lost
Cause it does remind me of something
I like Its silent streets, the beautiful trees
Cause it does remind me of something
It makes me nostalgic almost invariably
Cause it does remind me of something

It might make me cry, but it does make me laugh
Life is just to move on, so do I
I know one can fight anything but fate
Then what's life to move on, but a fight.

I like riding off my bike, till I cant come back
Cause I dont want to remember anything,
I like running on the beach till I cant breathe
Cause I dont want to remember anything,
I like to stand on hilltop and measure my height
Cause I dont want to remember anything

Present is pleasant, past went past
Future's uncertain, never predict
I know time ticks off you cant stop
Then why bother about it, but its pace.

I like lying on my couch and sleep carelessly
Cause it deosn't remind me of anything
I like writing these lines and dont give a f__
If only it reminds me of anything.

(Inspired by an Audioslave song Doesn't remind me of anything )


  1. Liked below line the most..
    "I know one can fight anything but fate"

    but somehow didnt like the ending attitude/frustration... it seemed like entire contradiction to "Life is just to move on, so do I"..
    Disclaimer : it is my point of view... :p

  2. @Anamika: who's this?
    BTW ending is not frustration :P.. I have only tried to tell that.. I will move on n don't care for anyone :)

  3. dude u already lost or still finding a reason to get lost :P
