Monday, July 11, 2011


In the graveyard, I don’t know if am
The one in the grave smiling
Or the one standing outside and crying.
But I stand solid like a rock
I buried my emotions.

Decaying is my interest
In the artificial society
Constructed on the concrete of status
I find it hard to smile but laugh aloud inside.
A look into your eyes is enough
Even though your lips smile.

My blood has turned cold
And I don’t feel nothing
My feelings got transfused into
The solution of apathy
When you cut my vein of patience.

The love you showed was
An artificial conscience
At the back of it was narcissism

Of self nourishment.
I couldn't cry at it neither could I smile
You were so unreal, I just let you fly.

I do not need anyone now
I do not feel anything.
The split emotionalist of mine
I buried him crying in the grave
And I stand outside smiling now
A freedom from artificial emotions,
I found my apathy.

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