Saturday, May 19, 2012

Mortal God

In your closet he stands tall,
Shut in the locker, he breaths the wall
Protecting your sinister self,
He’s called when you need,
A forgiving toy when you make him bleed.

Bulky roses bound to please,
Free comes the thorn unseen
Prick the toy and find your blithe
And push the peril down the stream,
Fool’s bliss, what’s behind is unseen.

Sadist rumbles, kills the jungles,
Wishes jewels but credit fumbles.
Foreseen etiquette of the narcissist man
Balloon up but you’ll fall down,
Fractured will but ego frowns,
But for the kick you still wear crown.

Paint the success on your wall,
You fail to assess before you fall.
He helped you get there,
But you showed him your back.
He smiled and wrote there “free fall”.

He’s pulled out when you want one,
Dumped in closet, when you’re done.
The god was never there, the concept was flawed
More you used it, the more you mocked.

Your deeds get you where you are,
You attitude decides where you will be,
The God is mortal buried in brown,
He was never there but, wrote the rules down.

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